Baby carriers

Baby carriers
44.99 €
The need for closeness in the first moments of a baby’s life is tremendous and fulfilling the need is a key to the healthy development of a baby. MoMi COLLETE will help you to keep your baby close.
Your baby will feel safe and comfortable in MoMi COLLETE. The closeness of the Mum will make the baby calm and happy. Carrying the baby in MoMi COLLETE will soothe the crying baby or relieve the baby of their ailments.
MoMi COLLETE ergonomic carrier was designed to ensure a proper back and hip position of the baby, At the same time, it ensures closeness and a sense of security., which makes the baby calmer. A great advantage for the Mum will be free hands – you can do your chores while having your baby at your side.
copy of MoMi COLLETE nosidło ergonomiczne copy of MoMi COLLETE nosidło ergonomiczne 2
  • -20,00 zł
Time left
119,00 zł 139,00 zł
Twój Maluch w nosidełku MoMi COLLET poczuje się bezpiecznie i komfortowo. Bliskość Mamy sprawi, że będzie spokojniejszy i bardziej radosny. Noszenie w nosidle może też przynieść ukojenie płaczącemu dziecku lub ulżyć w niemowlęcych dolegliwościach.

What does a good ergonomic baby carrier offer?

Using a sling enables us to maintain close physical contacts with our child. This is a highly positive experience, both for the mother and for the little one. It soothes and pacifies. It is worth opting for a good ergonomic sling for your baby right in the first months of their life. Your baby will be constantly beside you and your hands will be free, helping you to combine child care with other duties more easily. We could list many reasons why the above-mentioned baby sling is an excellent solution.

The essence of the physical contact with our child

Physical contact of mum and child is equally important for both of them, particularly in the first days of the baby’s life. This is when the loss of the highly intense and exclusive relationship of pregnancy is often felt. Nobody needs to be convinced that carrying a baby in a sling offers a positive, instant and, first and foremost, lasting effect. Thanks to the ergonomic sling, you can take care of your child all the time. This is also a chance to strengthen the sense of self-reliance and trust in yourself as a mum.

The freedom of movement, meaning the advantage of the baby sling

Using a good baby carrier, you ensure the freedom of movement to yourself. This is a chance to move from one room to another without any limitations or to go for a walk, upstairs or downstairs, ensuring absolute safety. Using a sling, we can do some housework. Obviously, this requires certain extra care, as our child’s safety is crucial.

Child's safety – what to pay attention to?

Remember to select a carrier, which is comfortable and safe for the child. MoMi ergonomic slings are safe for your baby's hip joints and guarantee appropriate posture to them. What is more, good baby slings have many adjustment options, which will help you to adapt them to your needs. It is worth checking if the belts are padded and the fabric is breathable to ensure absolute comfort to you and the baby.

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